Tuesday, July 21, 2009


(Reuters) - The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world but has higher rates of infant mortality, diabetes and other ills than many other developed countries.

Here is a comparison of the United States' healthcare costs versus those of selected other countries in 2006:

UNITED STATES: 15.9 pct of GDP, $6,657 per capita

BRAZIL: 7.9 pct of GDP, $371 per capita

CANADA: 9.7 pct of GDP, $3,430 per capita

CHINA: 4.7 pct of GDP, $81 per capita

FRANCE: 11.1 pct of GDP, $3,807 per capita

GERMANY: 10.7 pct of GDP, $3,628 per capita

INDIA: 5.0 pct of GDP, $36 per capita

ISRAEL: 7.9 pct of GDP, $1,533 per capita

JAPAN: 8.2 pct of GDP, $2,936 per capita

MEXICO: 6.4 pct of GDP, $474 per capita

SOUTH AFRICA: 8.7 pct of GDP, $437 per capita

SWEDEN: 8.9 pct of GDP, $3,598 per capita

RUSSIAN FEDERATION: 5.2 pct of GDP, $277 per capita

UNITED KINGDOM: 8.2 pct of GDP, $3,064 per capita

(Source: The World Bank)

(Compiled by Andy Sullivan, editing by Philip Barbara)


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

If you can't win, then wish that we all lose...

Treasonous Glenn Beck and Michael Scheuer WANT and WISH For Another Terrorist Attack in the U.S.

This is what they have come too, wishing death on American citizens on American soil to advance their adgenda. If the American people wanted 4 more years of Bush and fear-mongering they would have elected McCain...give it a rest.