Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Sad but true - only lawyers "get it" when it comes to the logic of holiday displays

Megyn Kelly, seen here frustrated with Bill O'Reilly's ignorance, tried to help Bill to understand why the Washington state governor had all Christmas displays removed.

Friday, November 7, 2008

President one word

CNN: Historians: Bush presidency 'battered,' 'incompetent,' 'unlucky'
Ever wonder how a man like this could become a two-term President of the United States and the magic it took to convince the American public that he was not incompetent? Time may prove him right on some things, but I believe he will go down (and remain down) as one of the worst Presidents ever.

and a 76% disapproval rating - worse than Nixon just before he resigned.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I love how the truth flys out once its all over...

...imagine if they had won.

FOX News gives us the scoop on the real McCain/Palin situation. Republicans - dare I say - FOX is vindicating what MSNBC was saying all along?

And good reading @ Newsweek also:
Worst Campaign Ever?
Secrets of the 2008 Campaign

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

MSNBC: 2123 hrs, Obama takes Ohio

It was at this minute that I knew it was over for McCain. Lets see if I'm right. (I was)

2300 hrs - Olbermann announces that NBC projects Obama as next President of the United States.

I shed a tear during McCain's concession speech because I was so proud of his words. He once again became the McCain I would have voted for 8 years ago.

Final Word

The Palin part is not funny.

Joe the *#%@ Plumber

If nothing else McCain should lose for insulting the collective American intelligence with this stunt. This pathetic person that became the focus of McCain's campaign is now yesterday's news and has to actually get back to work.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

magnet snatcher - you have no honor!!

I knew when I put an "Obama Biden" magnet on my car that it was only a matter of time before someone would steal it. It took a lot longer than I thought. Today I was at Lowe's Home Improvement in Delaware just south of the PA border and some hater snatched it right off. I'd say I was in the store a total of 15 min tops.
You can take my magnet, but you cannot take my vote or my hope - loser.

Friday, October 31, 2008

beware the October/November surprise

If anything "big" happens in the next few days that might make McCain look more desirable as the next President - be very suspicious that it could be something completely coordinated by the Republican fear/hate machine.

fractured party

I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that the Republican Party will split sometime in the future. As much as McCain pretends to be the man for all Republicans, he really is a moderate Republican. He has sold his soul, once again, to appease the conservative base of the Republican Party but it seems they are opening their eyes to one who better represents their interests - Sarah Palin.
Win or lose, Palin seen to be a political force
Mitt Romney is another name we're more than likely to hear again as well.
They are referred to as "social conservatives" or "evangelical conservatives" and they are the backbone of the Christian Right in the US. These people, were this nation theirs to dictate, would probably defend "freedom of religion" but have the country governed as a Christian State and most of the laws would be driven by the Bible.
The Republican Party may spend a few more elections as one party, but if the trends continue I believe the social conservatives will no longer accept a moderate Republican as their candidate and will split the party.
The real complication here is that 21 May 2011 is the date many Christians believe will be the rapture - so in the end it may not matter.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

the scary Americans

McCain and, more specifically, Palin's strongest fans are perhaps the scariest Americans I've seen. Why scary - because on the outside they look "normal" but when they open their mouth the fear that the Republicans have riled up in them spews out. This fear has manifest itself as hate and the consequences of scaring them will not end on November 5th.
I'm not the only one noticing this:
* intrade: "Has the 'Republican base' become the fringe?"
* Al-Jazeera: Racism At Sarah Palin Rally in Ohio

this is what gentlemen do

I only wish the entire campaign could be like this. This is the McCain that I remember from 8 years ago, the man I would have voted for. I am glad to know he's still under there somewhere. Both speeches are great - but unlike the debates, McCain definitely won this one.

its good to know he'll admit he's wrong, at least to Letterman

Thursday, October 16, 2008

liberal media?

Seems to me there is a mirror twin to almost any media outlet that might be labeled "liberal".

MSNBC            FOX News
Washington Post Washington Times
Huffington Post NRO
Newsweek         Time

With just a little bit of effort, you can watch only the media that supports your views and soon you'll think that everyone thinks like you...or that they should.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

they'll say anything to get elected

“Our opponent, though, is someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect — imperfect enough that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country,”
---Gov. Palin, 4 Oct 08

This particular lie implies that Sen. Obama presently pals around with Mr. Ayres and that Mr. Ayres is presently a terrorist. Neither is true. Sarah, what did you say about the past in the debate Thursday night??? How about you do what you said you were going to and "look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future".

Republicans - stop lying to the American public.

Friday, October 3, 2008

People who have seen the truth

Republicans for Obama / Biden 2008
This is true bi-partisanship.

Joe Six Pack's home

The flag is so stereotypical

Addie Polk - symbol of our times

CNN: Woman, 90, shoots self inside foreclosed home

Debate Fail

transcript of the debate

What an amazing performance by Gov. Palin last night. Next time I'm asked a question I don't have an answer for I'll just do as she did and give an answer on a topic that I'd rather talk about.

"Did you take out the trash?"
"I plan to do the laundry and my laundry plans are better than yours."

Brilliant. But hey, who am I to question her wisdom? I'm sure "joe six-pack" loved it when she winked at us and made that big "I'm so proud of myself" smile when she said one of her well practiced responses at the appropriate time. The only question that I think I heard the real Gov. Palin speak to was the one regarding gay marriage.

Biden clearly won the debate (most people agree) - actually answering the questions asked (except for the first one) with clear knowledge of the issues and, what's that thing called again, oh yeah, facts.

The Republican spin is that she "connected with Americans". Hmm..."connected" isn't winning and while I appreciate the difference between winning and connecting and it's value on Election Day - I'd rather have the debate winner in office and I hope my fellow citizens feel the same.

You can like and connect with Gov. Palin. You can respect and admire Sen. McCain for all he's done in the U.S. Navy, as a POW and a senator, just as I do - but don't let that blind you to the truth. McCain as President will be 4 more years of Bush policy plus war-mongering that only he does so well.

Oh Sarah, it's pronounced "noo-klee-er".