Friday, August 7, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The meaning of life...?
Here is a tragic example of one who's 'desire for sex' lead to a tragic end. How can we even help people like this when they suffer in silence. It is an interesting glimpse into the head of one driven to murder.
* Revenge Of The Nerd: What The Media Won’t Tell You About The Rampage Killer Who Attacked A Pittsburgh Aerobics Class
* The Diary of Pennsylvania Gym Shooter George Sodini
Greed Nation 1
Greed in the United States certainly isn't new but it has been taken to new heights in the past few years. The country with the largest economy, over 11 trillion GDP, has been brought to its knees by the greed of the banking system that supports it. Their reward - our tax dollars wrapped in a red, white and blue bow to save them. The vicious circle of co-dependency between banks and the peasants they feed on is renewed and safe.
This will be the first of many posts that will illustrate just how our country, more than ever before, has become a "Greed Nation" or the United $tates of America.
Some food for thought:
* Guard troops may be needed in troubled Ala. county
* Decline & Fall Of America: JPMorgan Fleeces Alabama Hicks With “Shit Bonds,” National Guard Called In
* The Real Costs of a Culture of Greed
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
(Reuters) - The United States spends more on healthcare than any other country in the world but has higher rates of infant mortality, diabetes and other ills than many other developed countries.
Here is a comparison of the United States' healthcare costs versus those of selected other countries in 2006:
UNITED STATES: 15.9 pct of GDP, $6,657 per capita
BRAZIL: 7.9 pct of GDP, $371 per capita
CANADA: 9.7 pct of GDP, $3,430 per capita
CHINA: 4.7 pct of GDP, $81 per capita
FRANCE: 11.1 pct of GDP, $3,807 per capita
GERMANY: 10.7 pct of GDP, $3,628 per capita
INDIA: 5.0 pct of GDP, $36 per capita
ISRAEL: 7.9 pct of GDP, $1,533 per capita
JAPAN: 8.2 pct of GDP, $2,936 per capita
MEXICO: 6.4 pct of GDP, $474 per capita
SOUTH AFRICA: 8.7 pct of GDP, $437 per capita
SWEDEN: 8.9 pct of GDP, $3,598 per capita
RUSSIAN FEDERATION: 5.2 pct of GDP, $277 per capita
UNITED KINGDOM: 8.2 pct of GDP, $3,064 per capita
(Source: The World Bank)
(Compiled by Andy Sullivan, editing by Philip Barbara)